Sunday, July 18, 2010

Z-10 flight sim from CCTV report

Z-10 flight sim from CCTV report of 7/16/2010

On a related note, the PLA's 4th LH Regiment received a new batch of four Z-9W Attack choppers today (here), signaling PLA's continue reliance on the Z-9W fleet.

据中国航空报报道 在喜迎建军83周年的日子里,总参陆航部某航空兵团迎来了一批新装备,它大大加强了飞行部队的战斗力建设,提升了部队遂行作战使命的能力。 “八一”前夕,记者专程来到中航工业哈飞试飞站,用镜头记下了这些战鹰在离开娘家前的最后一刻。记下了工厂技术人员和部队机械师、飞行员们精诚协作,严谨 细致、一丝不苟的工作态度。(中国航空报 周敬波 牟健为 摄影报道)

总参陆航部某航空兵团组建以来,先后出色完成了多次重大军事演习任务;执行了国际汽车拉力赛保障、长江抗洪、“神舟”1号至7号飞船返回舱搜救、森林防火 救火、科研试飞、紧急救护、抗震救灾、奥运安保和六十周年国庆阅兵等数百次重大任务。荣获了中国载人航天工程突出贡献集体、首都精神文明建设先进单位、全 军装备维修保障先进单位等多项荣誉。先后荣立集体二等功1次、集体三等功2次。 “八一”建军节之际,我们预祝这支优秀团队,更好的担起历史重任,搏击“第五空间”,锻造低空利剑。(中国航空报 周敬波 牟健为 摄影报道)


duskylim said...

Those men (and women!) in the light blue shirts - are NOT PLA personnel, are they?

If (as I suspect) they are manufacturing or maintenance personnel from the CHAIC factory, what are they doing at the army airbase?

Do they need that many people for turnover/induction of 4 helicopters?

Unknown said...

Strange..This image of a "Z-10" is quite different than previous images..Apache-like cockpit arrangement, Eurocopter style tail rotor...I suspect its a fake image.

Coatepeque said...

Thanks Sotty09, I think that is a PSed photo.


Yes, they are workers from CHAIC.