Chinese shipyards are capable of building such a corvette -- it bears a resemblance to the Thai Navy's Pattani-class OPV which China exported in 2006. The Type 056 would up-gun the Thai OPV with four YJ-3/C803 ASM and a FL-3000N RAM launcher aft.

In the meanwhile, old Jianghu soldiers on.

4 ASMs are a bit anemic. how about strapping 4 more to the sides of the main gun turret?
For such a light vessel, 4 AShM's are more than adequate, however I for one would rather have more long-range ASW-weapons like the proposed CY-1 - giving her better all-around capabilities.
Attaching 4 more 750+ kg YJ-82's would add more than 3 tons to the turret, severely affecting its' balance and performance.
The design seems to leave the roof deck above the bridge under-utilized, one would hope for it to have more fire-control radars or even chaff/decoy launchers.
It is an OPV, not a FFG/DDG. Can't expect it to lead a fight against other warships.
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