Friday, February 05, 2010

Z-8KH Search-and-Rescue helicopter in Hong Kong Garrison color.

Together with the Z-9 Search-and-Rescue conversion project, the addition of four new Z-8HK will significantly boost Hong Kong Garrison's Search-and-Rescue capability. It is time for the CMC to put this show-case unit to good use by start saving lives.


本报讯 2009年是昌飞公司不平凡的一年,这一年昌飞不仅迎来了建业40周年,而且在直升机科研生产发展上取得了令人瞩目的业绩。

在 昌飞公司的服务保障下,公司生产交付的直8先后参加完成了海上阅兵和国庆60周年大阅兵。公司实现了4机成功首飞,向美国西科斯基成功交付了首架S- 76C++中型直升机,波音767-300BCF项目首批产品正式交付,直升机制造“国际科技合作基地”落户昌飞;公司与武警森林部队正式签署直8采购合 同,4架直8即将正式服役驻港部队。




duskylim said...

Pic number 3 is very interesting... there's a slotted-array radar peeking out of the nose of those Z-9's.

That's probably not a Western-designed radar, like the original, but likely a entirely new indigenous, Chinese design.

This provides further evidence of the continuous localization of military equipment and production.

Coatepeque said...

according to the same CCTV report, there were a total of 6 "mods" done on those Z