The CJ-7 (L-7) piston-engine primary-trainer has successfully completed its wind tunnel testing phase. With maiden flight expected October this year (here), it is about time for the PLAAF to replace its aging CJ-6 fleet.

The CJ-6 workhorse, a collector's item in the US. (here)

国产L7飞机完成全部风洞试验 预计十月首飞 | | 2010-04-29 11:29:44
L7飞机又叫初教七,是洪都公司根据客户需求在初教六飞机的基础上,进行了全机设计优化、研制出的一款效费比更高的运动/教练型飞机。 2009年发出了生产图样,完成了全部风洞试验,预计在今年8月份完成总装,10月份完成样机首飞。
L7具备综合显示系统状态和分离仪表状态,两种技术状态的仪表板有较大的区别。评审会上,洪都公司飞机设计所技术人员运用三维软件显示了分离 式仪表板和安装综合显示系统仪表板的区别,新的综合显示系统上集中体现了更多的信息,仪表板也更整洁。
评审组专家对前后座舱仪表板的配置的区别以及座舱一些通用的国际配置提出了建议,下一步,洪都公司将按照专家组的评审结论将L7飞机的研制工 作推向深入。通过对L7飞机座舱的评审工作,使该飞机座舱配置更加符合国际惯例,进一步提升了该飞机的技术内涵。
I still don't understand why Hongdu would even have partner with Yakovlov to design a primary/basic trainer. I'm not saying it's a terribly easy thing to do but I'm also not saying its that difficult to do on their own either. Is it to increase the chance for export sales perhaps? The Russian's Yak-52 is getting pretty old itself after all.
cut down R&D time?
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