Friday, September 20, 2024

Better protect yourself: Chinese UN Peacekeepers Base In Lebanon bombed

Just days before further fortifications were erected, the Chinese base was blasted by missiles of unknown origins on September 19th, local time.  Thankfully, this attack did not injure anyone. (link)  

If there is a break out in Lebanon, it would not surprise anyone in the region.  Better safe then sorry.

CHINA / Top Stories
Chinese peacekeepers to Lebanon complete protective wall construction

    China Military Online
    Li Weichao

    2024-09-10 17:42:26

BEIJING, Sept. 10 -- Recently, at the request of the engineering department of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) headquarters, the 22nd Chinese Peacekeeping Construction Engineering Company to the UNIFIL completed the urgent task of constructing T-shaped protective wall with high standards for the oil depot in the Green Hill Camp of the UNIFIL headquarters.

Amid recent continued tensions between Lebanon and Israel, it was risky to conduct construction work for the oil depot in the Green Hill Camp, which is less than two kilometers from the Blue Line. The Chinese peacekeeping contingent, therefore, surveyed the construction site twice to estimate the security risks.

In spite of intense security situations and scorching heat, the Chinese peacekeepers completed the hoist and installation of 20 T-shaped protective walls with excellent skills, thus earning high praise from the UN staff.

It is learnt that since its deployment in December last year, the Chinese peacekeeping contingent has completed 47 construction tasks such as the construction of gabion walls and the upgrading and renovation of camp defense works.

A Chinese peacekeeper works at the site.

Chinese peacekeepers operate the crane to transfer T-shaped protective walls to the designated position.

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