Unit Number: 5112
Headquarter: 丰台区花乡高立庄
Commander: Zhang Hongjun,
Political: Commissar Chen Weiming
The 6th is one of the two MP regiments found in Beijing Garrison, the other one being the 13th regiment, 3rd Garrison Division. Their job is geared for internal society duty rather then war fightings. It’s orbat included 13 companies in 4 battalions, one transportation company, one recon company, one anti-terror unit, and other support elements. This manpower heavy unit does not seem to have any heavy equipment, besides a company of ZSL93/WZ523 which only armed with a 12.7mm Heavy Machine Gun. Since ZSL93 was first revived in the 1984 national day parade, so far this type of APC is only found in garrison units such as Hong Kong and Macao garrisons outside of Beijing.
According to Beijing municipality government’s own website, the 6th helped the city government to protect the water supply, an important task for a city of more then 6 million located right next to a desert. As the summer game draws near, this regiment is being trained to serve as a backup to the civilian security agencies, such as PAP’s Snow Wolf “SWAT” Detachment of the PAP 1st Special Force Brigade, during a terrorist attack.

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