I just don’t see the reason for PLA to have its own boat patrol unit as PRC already has four paramilitaries in addition to the Navy to patrol its coastal line. There are a lot of duplications here as its duties can easily be replaced by PAP’s anti-smugglers units.

Here is a photo of a common PAP patrol boat
Looks like an armoured supestructure and medium calibre automatic guns (30mm?) possibly also manpad & RPG onboard. Designed and build to give and take punishment. True police vessels for 'hostile' waters.
Type 529
perhasp previous remrcs premature.
Strange gun installation (!) Perhaps no true gun at all but watercanon for riotdispersal (greenpeace?) or firefighting. Anyone has any pics with uncovered guns???
I will keep my eyes open for the gun. I think it is a single 37mm AAA
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