Thanks HHG for the nice diagram of the LPD 998 KunlunShan

This is the blog of China defense, where professional analysts and serious defense enthusiasts share findings on a rising military power.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
071 LPD to the Gulf of Aden.
For the past six months a persistent rumor has been "floating" around suggesting that the PLAN is planning to send their largest surface combatant, the 071 Yuzhao LPD, to the Gulf of Aden to aid the on-going international anti-piracy operations.
This recent PLA Daily photograph (here) of a PLAN Z-8 helicopter pilot leaving his 1-year old son to "train for a long range" mission adds credence to the rumor. The only PLAN combat vessel capable of deploying two medium-sized helicopters is the Type 071 LPD.
Having a 20,000t Command and Control mother ship will not only enhance on-station time for the Chinese task force, its two Z-8's also have a significant range advantage over the lighter Z-9 and Ka-27 currently serving onboard the Chinese task force. The Z-9 is designed to drop a 4-member SpOps team to a distressed ship. On the other hand, the Z-8 is capable of delivering 20+ fully armed troops.
本报湛江6月29日电 余黄伟、记者尹航报道:即将出征亚丁湾的中国海军第六批护航编队的1000余名官兵,今天下午在湛江某军港隆重举行誓师动员大会。海军副司令员徐洪猛出席大会,南海舰队政委黄嘉祥作动员讲话。
China sends sixth naval escort flotilla to Gulf of Aden
English.news.cn 2010-06-30 14:44:10
ZHANJIANG, Guangdong, July 30 (Xinhua) -- China's sixth naval escort flotilla departed Wednesday for the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters.
The flotilla with more than 1,000 personnel, including Navy special forces troops, is to relieve the fifth flotilla, which has been cruising the waters off the Somalia coast for more than three months.
The amphibious landing ship Kunlunshan, destroyer Lanzhou, and supply ship Weishanhu of the fifth fleet, will escort vessels sailing through the region.
It is the first deployment of the amphibious landing ship Kunlunshan, with a displacement of 18,500 tonnes, on an escort mission.
The previous five Chinese fleets to the Gulf of Aden have escorted 2,248 Chinese and foreign ships in 213 batches in this region, which has been plagued by pirate attacks, since December 2008.
Editor: Wang Guanqun
排水量:满载出港排水量 500吨
Electromagnetic “blue army” shows power on invisible battlefield
(Source: PLA Daily) 2010-06-28
A regiment of the Nanjing Military Area Command (MAC) of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), reputed as the new generation “electromagnetic blue army”, has participated in 103 electromagnetic confrontation exercises over the past five years.
The regiment has been equipped with new radars, unmanned aerial vehicles and other advanced equipment in recent years. To make the new equipment generate combat capacity on the basis of giving full play to their performances, three sets of simulation drilling systems have been developed, and 11 new tactics for electromagnetic countermeasure-based operations summarized. Furthermore, the troops in the regiment are encouraged to do studies on the combat concept, application of operational tactics and technical countermeasures for the “blue army”.
In field confrontation drills, by means of various kinds of tactics used in electromagnetic operations, the “electromagnetic blue army” conducts strong electromagnetic interference to informationalized equipment of its rivals under both static and dynamic conditions to test the anti-jamming abilities of the new equipment. The data obtained in the tests were important parameters for the interconnection among various information systems.
Over the past five years, the “electromagnetic blue army” has staged confrontation exercises with combat units of the Navy, the Air Force and the Second Artillery Force (SAF) of the PLA in and outside the Nanjing MAC.
By Li Dingjiang and Qiu Boxing