Friday, September 06, 2024

Vietnam's Cam Ranh Bay Naval Base, Tales Of Two Visits

On July 15th, 2024, the US Navy's 7th Fleet flagship USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19) visited Vietnam's Cam Ranh Bay (link).  Along with other USN visits in that region, it was accompanied by media coverage and, of course, OpEd speculation across the spectrum.  (link) (link) (link)

Following the general secretary of the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam's visit to China (link) on August 18th, the PLAN paid a visit to the same Cam Ranh Bay (link)   It was accompanied by little or no fanfare, as were earlier PLAN visits in that region; it has "It was another Tuesday" feel to it.

Those two nations take different approaches to their military foreign affairs, that's for sure.


2x 07LPD and 1x Type 052D DDG 174 Hefei at Cam Ranh Bay


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