Ever since the 1998 Zhuhai Air Show, the China Electronic Technology Corporation (CETC) has been hawking the KG300G Airborne Self-Protection Jamming Pod on the international market with no success. The CETC's fortune might have finally turned around with the PLAAF adopting this light weight jamming pod for its J-8 fleet.
PR Poster from the Zhuhai airshow.

Bonus photos of PL-8 and PL-11 AAM armed PLAN-AF J-8BHs

What is the use of putting this pod on this rusty plane?
Has the PLAAF forgotten the mid-air collision incident with the Lockheed EP-3.
The plane is so out of structural order that one of its wing came off.
I bet the owner of the blog will remove this post since the Chinese don't like dissidents.
What is the use of putting this pod on this rusty plane?
Has the PLAAF forgotten the mid-air collision incident with the Lockheed EP-3.
The plane is so out of structural order that one of its wing came off.
I bet the owner of the blog will remove this post since the Chinese don't like dissidents.
1. Keep your comment to military matters,
2. stop being a racist.
"I bet the owner of the blog will remove this post since the Chinese don't like dissidents."
He is baiting blog owner to keep stupid comments. Do you call it reverse psychology?
Just delete the posts, your blog your rules.
Excuse my ignorance, but is this model a J-8II of the H-series?
Also, why doesn't it have the standard in-flight refueling probe?
I always thought the PLANAF needed longer-ranged aircraft than the PLAAF.
Lastly, how many J-8's are left in the Chinese inventory?
I was under the impression that only the F model and a few reconnaissance R's were being produced.
All PLAN-AN J-8 can be retrofitted, IIRC. It is a matter of attach is refueling probe to it.
The last count of J-8 is around 250.
He's an idiot for assuming all Chinese think the same. The people of this blog and of the forum community are some of the most balanced factual reporters there is on PLA matters. All he needs to do is to read the regular blog entries to see that no official CCP line is being towed here.
Let him carry on being a douche.
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