In essence, this latest Type59MBT variant is a Type 96G in a Type59 body modified to carry a 125mm main gun, a modern fire control system, and the latest Chinese armor protection package. A total of 300 examples of the Type59G will be rebuilt from the existing fleet. In addition to the Type59G rebuild program, the Bangladesh army will procure the Type96 MBT in due course as part of a greater modernization drive. Since both MBTs are sharing many common components, this will greatly reduce the load on the existing logistics infrastructure.
Here is a list of Chinese land forces hardware to be procured by the Bangladesh Army compiled by BMF.
* 7 x Type 96 MBTs (Not delivered yet, but eventually a couple of regiments)
* 5 x MBT ARV (Chinese, for MBT2000/Type 96 recovery)
* 300 x Type 59 MBT Upgrade (1 spotted at Dhaka; Army named them as "Type 59 G")
* 1 x SPH Regt (Chinese 122 or 155 mm SPH is expected)
* 1 x ADA Regiment (This complements another air defence regiment in BDA. Regiment is equivalent of brigade; Equipped with Chinese AAGs and MANPADS).
Profile for new Type 59G MBT at created with input from armoured corps officer, photo analysis and Chinese defense websites:
Including a couple of pictures, which might be interesting reference material.

Nice tank - though I suspect that HIT (Heavy Industries Taxila) of Pakistan, is more than a little disappointed that the contract for upgrading of the older tanks and purchase of newer ones did not go to them.
For a long time they have been promoting their Al-Zarrar model of upgraded T-59's and also their version of NORINCO's MBT-2000 as the Al-Khalid.
I think they are more than a little surprised that Norinco's salesmen got the jump on them in their former backyard.
It goes to show all's fair in love and business.
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